The creation of the project

From idea to project

Group no "5"

As part of the Social Innovation Brokres program, five groups have been formed. Group 5 has been defined as “The Green Side of Social Innovation”. Five people were involved in its activities: Aleksandra, Aneta, Damian, Justyna and Yevgen.

Analysis of ideas

During two meetings, the group explored different ideas that could solve socially important problems. A project called “Reducing CO2 through Social Innovation: Discovering the Tools of Digital and Space Technologies”. Acronym: SPARK.

Diagnosis and generation of ideas for action

During subsequent meetings, the group collected and examined the existing data on the project. The collected data allowed for the selection of several specific actions at various levels of the project.

Working with a mentor

As part of the Social Innovation Brokers program, the group received important and valuable support in working on the project in the form of cooperation with a mentor, Krzysztof Woźniak from the Polish Climate Forum.

Participation in the Conference in Krakow

The group will meet live for the first time at the International Social Innovation Brokers Conference. During the event, the SPARK project will be presented.

Working on the application

Subsequent meetings will be devoted to detailing project activities, developing a schedule and budgeting for individual activities. Finding and starting cooperation with a foreign partner will be crucial. Ultimately, the project is to be submitted under the Erasmus+ Programme.